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Showing posts from July, 2024

Procedural Writing Ideas

  How to Make a Sandwich Steps to make a simple sandwich. Focus on clear sequencing and simple instructions. How to Brush Your Teeth Describing the steps involved in brushing teeth. Emphasize the importance of hygiene. How to Plant a Seed Instructions for planting and caring for a seed. Incorporate scientific observations. How to Tie Your Shoelaces Steps to tie shoelaces. Encourage illustrations to support understanding. How to Make a Paper Airplane Instructions for folding a paper aeroplane. Highlight the importance of following steps carefully. How to Make a Fruit Salad Steps to create a simple fruit salad. Include safety tips for using a knife (with adult supervision). How to Get Ready for School Morning routine for getting ready for school. Focus on time management and sequencing. How to Feed a Pet Instructions on feeding a common pet (e.g., dog, cat, fish). Emphasize the importance of caring for pets. How to Build a Lego Structure Steps to build a simple Lego structure. Encourage